Article-The for PSI & ASI Exam

Practice work of Definite Article 'The'

Fill up the following blanks with the use of Definite Article 'the'.Click 'Answer' button below to check answers with reasons:

‘The’ - Exercise-1

1.     ..... sun
2.     ..... moon
3.     ..... stars
4.     ..... sky
5.     ..... Times of  India
6.     ..... Ganga
7.     ..... White House
8.     ..... USA
9.     ..... Antarctica

‘The’ - Exercise-2

10.                        .....Bay of Bengal
11.                        ..... Hindus
12.                        ..... Marathis
13.                        ..... Brahmins
14.                        ..... Kolis
15.                        ..... Alps
16.                        ..... Himalayas
17.                        ..... Pacific
18.                        ..... Eiffel Tower
19.                        ..... Red fort
20.                        .....most beautiful flower

‘The’ - Exercise-3

21.                        ..... Taj Mahal
22.                        ..... Nile
23.                        ..... Europe
24.                        ..... biggest tree
25.                        ..... manager
26.                        ..... principal
27.                        ..... brain
28.                        ..... great wall of china
29.                        ..... panama canal.
30.                        ..... longest river.

'The' Exercise-4

31.                        ..... Geeta
32.                        ..... Quran
33.                        ..... Bible
34.                        ..... Avesta
35.                        ..... Mahabharat
36.                        ..... Ramayana
37.                        .... Mars
38.                        ..... Uranus
39.                        ..... Neptune
40.                        .... North America


'The' Exercise-5

41. ..... Africa
42. ..... Alps
43. ..... Amazon
44. ..... Americans
45. ..... Antarctica
46. ..... Arabian sea
47. ..... Asia
48. ..... Atlantic ocean
49. ..... autumn
50. ..... Brahmins


'The' Exercise-6

51. ..... Baltic Canal
52. ..... bay of Bengal
53. ..... bay of Fundy
54. ..... bay of Islands
55. ..... bay of Kotor. 
56. ..... bay of Kutch
57. ..... best
58. ..... black hole
59. ..... British Isles
60. ..... captain


'The' Exercise-7

61. ..... Caribbean sea
62. ..... Chaudharies
63. ..... chief minister
64. ..... comet
65. ..... Congo
66. ..... dead(dead persons)
67. ..... earth
68. ..... East
69. ..... Equator
70. ..... first


'The' Exercise-8

71. ..... French
72. ..... galaxy
73. ..... Geeta
74. ..... Great basin desert
75. ..... Great wall of China
76. ..... Gujarat Samachar
77. ..... Hanging Gardens
78. ..... head master
79. ..... highest
80. ..... Hilton


'The' Exercise-9

81. ..... Himalayas
82. ..... Hind/Indian ocean
83. ..... Hindus
84. ..... Hotel Taj
85. ..... Japanese
86. ..... Kinabalu national park
87. ..... largest
88. ..... last
89. ..... Loire 
90. ..... Mahabharat  


'The' Exercise-10

91. ..... manager
92. ..... Memuru
93. ..... monsoon
94. ..... moon
95. ..... most
96. ..... Narmada Canal
97. ..... naughtiest
98. ..... needy(needy people)
99. ..... Neptune
100. ..... Netherlands

Have a good day!

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